Advice - An opinion recommended
or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel; an explanation of consequences
and options; deliberate consideration; knowledge. Attunement – In reiki, “attunement” refers to a process of opening and
clearing energy lines from the supreme source to the practitioner. Chakras – Energy centers within
and around the body. Consultant - One who gives
professional advice or services. Cleansing - To free from dirt, defilement,
or guilt; purge or clean. Intuition - Direct apprehension or
cognition; immediate knowledge, as in perception or consciousness; any object
or truth discerned by direct cognition; especially, a first or primary truth:
instinctive knowing. Metaphysics - the science of all
being as being. The branch of
philosophy that examines the nature of reality, including the relationship
between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value. Palmistry - The art or practice
of divining or telling fortunes, or of judging of character, by the lines and
marks in the palm of the hand; chiromancy. Pendulum Dowsing - a method divination
and of finding elements, objects and information by means of using a body
suspended from a fixed point so as to swing freely to and fro. Psychic - Of or pertaining to
the human soul; the living principle in man. Psychometry - The ability or art of
divining information about people or events associated with an object solely
by touching or being near to it. Querent - the inquirer; the
person asking the question, the one requesting the reading. Reader - the person whose
interpretation / advice is being sought. Reiki – A Tibetan Buddhist
system of healing rediscovered by Usui Mikao. It is a
touch healing system which uses laying on of the
hands onto the body and/or auric field. Scrying - To see or predict the
future by means of a crystal ball. Tarot
- A system of divination, traditionally using a deck of 78 cards. |